[Java] What is Heap Space & Dynamic Memory Allocation? 12/19/2022 04:09:00 AM Different types of memory To run Java applications optimally, the JVM divides memory into Stack Memory Heap Memory. Things that go into ...
Practice Problems on Meet in the Middle 5/27/2021 05:23:00 PM Meet in the Middle https://lightoj.com/problem/coin-change-iv https://cses.fi/problemset/task/1628/ https://lightoj.com/problem/funny-knapsa...
Most Useful Kafka CLI Commands 3/09/2021 07:00:00 PM 1. To create a topic kafka-topics --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic topic_name --create --partitions #_of_partitions --replication-factor...
What is origin in git commands? 2/25/2021 06:29:00 PM 2 min read Important Keywords To Understand remote remote refers to a git repository that is hosted on the internet ( i.e Github , Bitbucke...
Flipkart Interview Experience | SDE-1 2/09/2021 01:47:00 AM Round:1 Machine Coding Round Duration: 150 Minutes It was a machine coding round where candidates were given a problem statement that they n...
Git Cheat Sheet 12/28/2020 02:16:00 PM git init # initializes an empty git in the current directory git config - l git config -- global...
How to find Nth term of any linear recurrence relation in O( logN ) 4/30/2020 11:48:00 AM 5 min read Motivation: Given a sequence with a recurrence relation. Find is the Nth term of the sequence. Example: Fibonacci sequen...
Burst Balloons ( google interview question ) 7/21/2019 02:36:00 PM Read the question from here: Burst Balloons Let's solve this: Suppose initially we have these 5 balloons. Which balloons we c...